Ongoing Mental Evaluation for the 14-Year-Old Involved in Siam Paragon Shooting

In recent developments, the Department of Mental Health has officially confirmed that the 14-year-old individual involved in the Siam Paragon shooting incident is presently undergoing an extensive mental evaluation at the Kanlayana Rajanagarindra Institute.

Siam Paragon

As of October 18, 2023, the Acting Director-General of the Department of Mental Health, Dr. Phongkasem Kaimook, has shed light on the case of the 14-year-old male responsible for the shooting incident that took place at Siam Paragon Shopping Center. This young individual has been referred for a comprehensive psychiatric evaluation at the Kanlayana Rajanagarindra Institute. It has come to our attention that the initial evaluation did not reveal any mental abnormalities, leading the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection to take him back into custody.

Youth Mental Assessment: A 45-Day Process

It is crucial to emphasize that the 14-year-old in question is still in the midst of the mental health evaluation process at the Kanlayana Rajanagarindra Institute. This evaluation period adheres to the Department of Juvenile Observation and Protection’s regulations, spanning 45 days. The assessment encompasses an array of evaluations, including a thorough review of the individual’s medical history, physical examinations, assessments of brain and psychological functioning, laboratory examinations, and blood analysis conducted by the experts at the Kanlayana Institute. It is essential to underscore that this examination is only one facet of the overall legal process, with the Juvenile Court serving as the ultimate decision-maker, taking into account all gathered information for further consideration.

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Specialized Treatment for Youths - Legal Insights

Regarding the legal procedures involving individuals of this age group, Section 42 of the 2018 Child and Youth Offenders Act is invoked. This section stipulates that if a medical practitioner, nurse, or observation officer who has received the requisite training identifies children or youths suffering from diseases necessitating specialized treatment or grappling with mental health issues, they are required to submit their recommendations to the director. These recommendations may prompt the director to contemplate the transfer of the child or youth to a suitable treatment center, particularly one specializing in the relevant medical condition. This could include a hospital or a mental health treatment facility situated beyond the confines of the controlled area. Furthermore, the director is obligated to inform the child’s parents, guardians, or individuals responsible for the child’s care of these developments.


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